Orders at this online store are processed in Hongkong dollar.
When you place an order, our system will calculate the shipping cost based on your item weight and size. The shipping cost will be shown before you pay. For domestic order over HK$400, free shipping is offered. Depending on the availability of the goods, we will normally ship out the goods within 3 business days after the payment is confirmed.
Upon the order confirmation, we will notify you via email about the estimated delivery dates. After it is delivered, we will send you the tracking number for tracking the delivery on the courier's website,
We offer international shipping. International orders may be subject to customs, import fees, value added taxes (VAT) , etc, which is not included in the price and shipping total. These fees are paid by the parcel recipients. If you have questions about our shipping cost, please contact us through the contact form here or via our facebook msg.
運費以貨品的重量及尺寸作計算標準, 會在顧客點擊產品及前往結算後, 進行付款之前,自動顯示。
我們提供香港及海外配送服務。訂單確認後, 我們會以電郵通知顧客有關配送日期。一般會在付款確認後 3個工作天內安排發貨。
發送至香港以外的貨品, 視乎收件地區而定, 可能會成當地海關徵收關稅, 進口稅或增值稅等的對象, 此等稅項並不包括在本網站標示的商品價格之內, 須由收件人自行負擔。
如有疑問, 歡迎在此或透過belmont hongkong的粉絲專頁 msg 聯絡我們。